
This guide has been written about Dublin from a Dubliners perspective. Someone who works in, lives in, and breathes in the city on a daily basis. Someone who has travelled abroad extensively and knows what people want in a guide – honesty, local knowledge, a love of ones own city yet also the perspective of a fellow traveller. Dublin is a fantastic city full of history and richness and this website attempts to give you a flavour of that while gently guiding you in the right direction.

Many of the pictures on this site have been taken by the author, and ALL of the places reviewed have been visited by the author unless explicitly stated otherwise. Where we have used pictures not taken by us we have verified copyright as much as possible but do get in touch if there are any issues. We are happy to remove or pay for any pictures we have inadvertently used.

Please email us on our at info@ address if you’d like to leave us with a comment or if you would like us to feature your business.